Clairvoyant Readings with

Debra Lynne Katz, PhD, MSW

What is a Clairvoyant Reading?

A clairvoyant reading is a spiritual, meaningful, intensive session where I will use my intuitive abilities

to access information about what is most vital for you to hear, be aware of, and acknowledge at this time in your life s

o you can achieve your goals. These goals may simply be to feel happier, more alive, more creative, and more loved,

or they may be specifically related to business, finances, relationships, creative projects, etc.  

​During a clairvoyant reading, I utilize many of the techniques presented in my first two books,

"You Are Psychic" and "Extraordinary Psychic."

These techniques enable me to see and communicate information through visions, images, and pictures and telepathically

with my higher self, the spirit world, and wherever information resides. I do this simply by going into a relaxed meditative state,

asking you to say your name, and then waiting for the "movie of your life" to begin.

I always try to turn down my logical mind and remain in an intuitive, non-analytic, non-judgemental, non-thinking, non-advice-giving state.

​While you can ask me questions up front, you don't have to. Even if you do, I'll ask you to mostly just listen for the remainder of the reading, as conversation back and forth can be distracting. There are several visualizations I may start with to get the information flowing. The key is to allow the intuitive knowledge to flow through the visuals I consciously place on my mental screen.

A Reading is also a healing

​A clairvoyant reading can also be an intensive energy healing because the moment a clairvoyant like myself looks at you, everything that is not really you begin to fall away, move, and transform. The effect is even more vital when we set the intention for this. What might not be you? Thought forms, behavior patterns that aren't in sync with who you are now or what you want, outdated relationships, other people's programming, many different types of external energies, etc. 

​I am confident in saying I'm pretty adept at helping people raise their emotional/energetic frequencies so that, keeping with the law of attraction, they will find their old lives and ways of being falling away and being replaced with all sorts of new opportunities that are much more in alignment with who they are. Work, relationships, and minute-to-minute existence can be transformed when one raises one's emotional/energetic frequency. That is one of my goals during a reading for you, no matter if you are pretty down in the dumps or already living a life of wonder and grace. Whether you need a bit of a boost or help navigating your relationships with others who are not there yet, a reading will help.

Note: I am not a medical practitioner. I have a Ph.D. in Psychology but am not a licensed Psychologist, rather I am a parapsychologist. My sessions are not intended to be medical interventions or formal counseling sessions. That being said, many people who have a session report highly positive benefits and changes on a personal level. Still, I am a strong proponent of regular visits with licensed doctors and dentists who can utilize modern technological advances. Many people need ongoing support that is more than a reader such as myself can provide; in this case, visiting a licensed therapist is advised. I see readings/healing/and treatment by the modern medical establishment as complimentary to each other and in no way oppositional. I say this not due to legal requirements but because I've seen what can happen to people who don't wish to use all available diagnostic or treatment options. 

A Clairvoyant reading brings to light what’s been longed for and how to achieve it

During a session, I'll be able to tune into the wisdom, longing, and truth of your heart and your subconscious mind, which contains valuable information for you. The goal is to make conscious what has been unconscious so that you can create new choices out of new awareness. Sure, there are many ways to achieve this, but reading can be a shortcut to this process if that is in your best interest. (We all have defense mechanisms protecting us from the truth, sometimes for a good reason, but often those reasons aren't there anymore or get distorted, so it can take some time to get past these; that's why my readings are often fairly long). 

Spirit guides, deceased people and mediumship

I communicate throughout the readings with your guides, my own, and the combination on a telepathic level. This isn't the focus of many readings, although it can be if requested. For example, when I work with my business clients on staffing issues, I do not bring up the subject of spirits unless they have a particular guide or deceased relative trying to come through in the moment to offer information. The spirits communicate with me in terse bursts of information.

I can't always guarantee the person will show up to converse, but if they are present, that is possible. If they don't show up, we can always look for other information about their passing, past, etc. If any negative spirits (or people, for that matter!) cause you difficulties in your life, I'll help you break those connections or give you insights into how to achieve this.


It is important to understand I don't always get an answer to every question. No psychic does. Any that tells you they can answer any question and that their answer or information will always be 100 percent correct are not being honest. This is true of the best clairvoyants, remote viewers, mediums, and of every person in any other profession, including doctors, nurses, attorneys, accountants, stock brokers, etc. All intuitive work can be misinterpreted by the intuitive or the person receiving the information. What I do guarantee during your sessions is that I will give you my absolute 100 percent attention and make use of everything I've learned throughout the last 20 years I've been doing this work non-stop to ensure you get the most out of your session.

The future, nothing to feel nervous about

Many people fear getting a reading because they fear the psychic will see something bad in their future. However, the future depends on how one thinks about and behaves in the present; therefore, during a reading, I will look at what you need to do in the present to have the life you desire in the future. Much of the future depends on your past and present choices, so I focus on these.  

 I tend not to get a lot of disturbing information about the future, disturbing as defined by the client and myself. Sometimes, I do get a particular warning that includes advice about what a person can do in the present to change a potentially negative future. 

The future also is more set for some than others. One trend I've noticed over the years is those who wish to have a reading because they have no idea about who they are and what they want to do or be and seem not to have a well-defined future. It's kind of blank. This is why I find it more useful to see why that person doesn't know what they want or who they are and how they can change that for themselves - than to get information about the exact topic they should be focusing on. However, questions about why they don't know what they want to do and what can shift so they do start to get answers will often produce rich and valuable information for that person.


​Others are nervous they will be judged. None of us are perfect. We are all on a path of learning and growing, and being human is a very messy business! I'm used to discussing incredibly intimate issues. I'm now 50 years old, and most of my judgments as a younger clairvoyant have been tossed aside with a mature understanding that we are all just trying to get by in life the best we can.

A Reading is Confidential

​A client's confidentiality is of the utmost importance. If there is anything you are nervous about, or if you are in the public eye and the stakes are too high, someone might discover who you are; you don't need to give me your real name or any information about yourself. But it would be helpful if you let me know it's not your real name, as I use a person's name to tune into them. You wouldn't want to ever use your relative's or anyone else's name, you know, though, because I might tune into them instead of you. You could also give me your first name. Please only do this if you really have a valid reason, as it can be confusing and harder to tune in to names that are not your own.

How to connect and recordings

We will use for the call. We will only use audio, no video, as visual cues can be distracting and this will allow us both to relax. Zoom allows to easily record a call but if you don’t wish to have a recording or prefer talking by phone, I will be happy to call you. You may get in touch with me in advance of the reading at Please note, while it usually works well to record a call and send a client the mp3 later, on occasion there is a technical glitch. Note the fee for the reading is for time spent and not a recording. Its therefore recommended you take notes in addition to relying on the recording. Also it is requested that you don’t share your recordings with others as this may impact the experience (readings are highly intimate). Instead, you may want to just give them a recap if inclined to share.

Please read below for some further information

I do hope to have the opportunity to meet with many of you so please feel free to book now!

Types & Topics of Readings

you may request at the time of your session

  • General

    You don’t need to ask any question if you’d just like to see what comes up.

  • Life Path Readings

  • Akashic Record or Past Life Readings

  • *

    Spirit Guide & Mediumship Readings

  • *

    Relationship Readings

  • *

    Carreer, Financial, Business Consultations and Creative Projects

  • *

    Wellness & Wellbeing Readings

  • *

    Goal Manifestation Readings & Healings

  • *

    Energy Healings for any issues. Mental, Pattern, & Addiction Deprogrammngs

✺ Reading Guideline Procedures ✺

  • If you don't understand English well, you can provide your interpreter. If you don't have one, we can usually find one for you, but you must pay extra for that interpreter's rate. Zoom produces a recording and a written transcript and so you may find this helpful. If the available times listed on the calender don't work for your time zone please get in touch and I can arrange to meet at a time that will work for us both.

  • One hour - We usually need about 10 minutes to get started once we are together, and then the sessions themselves are approx 1 hour, but I may and often do go longer, so plan for some extra time (you will never be charged extra, or asked to pay extra if we do go over). We can usually get to a few questions. The fewer questions, the more in-depth we can go into each one, but that being said, I'm used to long lists of questions, so bring them on, and I'll help you decide what's most vital once we meet.  

  • We will send it to whomever you like via email. However, please consider when giving a reading as a gift whether the person will be open to getting a reading. Don't use the reading to convince them this stuff is real. If you know the person enjoys getting readings, understands there is more to life than just what the eye can see, and feels like they will use the reading as a pathway to a greater understanding of themselves and as a tool to take steps in their life, then this will be the perfect gift.

  • Not much! Plan to just be in a comfortable position. While you can move around, it's best not to have background noise or other people in the room if possible. If you have to get up or take a break during the reading, that's never a problem. Just do your best to have minimal noise on the line, as that will sometimes distract me. We can work out any sound issues together on the call. 

  • Please choose a date and time from the online scheduler. Some people who are desperately seeking a reading immediately find that by waiting a little bit, they can release some of the intensity of emotion about a situation so that by the time of the reading, they can better hear and absorb the information coming in. Then the reading is less about helping them overcome their immediate anxiety, but more about given them insights that help them cope or overcome a complicated situation. Of course, if there is a life or death issue, let us know; there are exceptions to every rule here!

  • Can’t find a sooner enough date or can’t afford a reading right now? Consider a discounted reading with one of our talented graduate students!

  • We have a very flexible reschedule and cancellation policy. You may do either up until the time of your session. However, once you start the reading you will be charged regardless of whether you love it or not (we expect you will but you are paying for the practitioner’s time. We do also ask for your flexibility in case Debra has to reschedule an appointment.