Discounted ISC Graduate Professional Readings

What is a clairvoyant reading?

A clairvoyant reading can also be an intensive energy healing because the moment a clairvoyant looks at you, everything that is not you begins to fall away, move, and transform. The effect is even more vital when we set the intention for this. What might not be you? Thought forms, behavior patterns that aren't in sync with who you are now or what you want, outdated relationships, other people's programming, many different types of external energies, etc.

During a session, readers should be able to tune into the wisdom, longing, and truth of your heart and your subconscious mind, which contains valuable information for you. The goal is to make conscious what has been unconscious so that you can create new choices out of new awareness. Sure, there are many ways to achieve this, but a reading can be a shortcut to this process if that is in your best interest. (We all have defense mechanisms protecting us from the truth, sometimes for a good reason, but often those reasons aren't there anymore or get distorted, so it can take some time to get past these; that's why my readings are often fairly long). 

Spirit Guides & Mediumship Readings

The readers will often communicate throughout the readings with your guides, their own, and the combination on a telepathic level.  

​​​What is an ISC graduate professional reading

This is a clairvoyant reading offered by a graduate of the Level One and Level Two Clairvoyant Programs offered through the International School of Clairvoyance. Some of the graduates will be quite recently graduated from Level Two, having solely studied under our programs; some may have received training, experience, and practice elsewhere. Readers are only invited to participate if they have received training from Debra Katz and the ISC. Readings will not be supervised during the reading. As with all readings from any professional, the quality and consistency of information may vary. They can even be dependent on how open the person is who is receiving the reading.

 Why would I want to receive a professional graduate reading? 

Well, first and foremost, at $125.00, these are less expensive than you would pay for a reading from a clairvoyant who has been reading for decades. You can also discover how even a more recent graduate can deliver helpful information, whether they have had a year of practice or a few years. This can be encouraging if you have any ambitions of developing your own abilities. Also, the readers selected for our professional graduate reading team have been selected for showing high proficiency levels, professionalism, and ethics. They are healers and readers, which comes through in everything they do, even when they do not intentionally work with specific energy healing classes or techniques.

How do graduate professional readings differ from the free Wednesday practice group readings available to the public?

​A wide range of students perform the Wednesday practice group readings. Some may have just started in level one class with barely any experience. At the same time, some are long-time graduates who may even have started doing readings independently and are just returning to reap the benefits of doing readings and healing in a group experience. Students are very much practicing, and the information level can vary widely as, initially, newer clairvoyants may find information comes slower, and often, they don’t necessarily get clear meanings from these images. However, there are times they surprise everyone, especially themselves, right off the bat. Still, the continued practice of the techniques they have learned brings them to a faster reading speed, confidence, and recognition of what they are receiving and discussing. If you want to experience reading, healing, and the group reading process and don’t have expectations other than you’ll have an excellent experience. You’ll be thrilled to receive some helpful information but also be happy just to get to see what this is all about, and if you are on a strict budget, then a free student reading on Wednesdays may be best for you. (We do appreciate a $25 donation, though, especially if you’ve also had a reading from here.


​​Payment will be made via the International School of Clairvoyance via PayPal via the online booking calendar. Payment must be received before scheduling the reading. Each reader will accept their payment.

 Fee: $150


​Readers have different days and times they are available. They all have professional jobs or businesses, so they are unavailable 24/7 but have openings soon.

Meet our graduates!


Meet our graduates! 〰️

  • From Mae: I'm a bit of an adventurer, bouncing around Oregon, Hawai'i, California, Idaho and other places that have piqued my interest, meeting so many different kinds of people and living in so many different environments. All of which have taught me so much about myself, my resilience, determination, flexibility and finding the lifestyle that fits me best. I'm much the same when it comes to art and music. I love to explore the many different forms of expression like beading, knitting, acrylic & watercolor painting, tattooing, drawing, sewing, design, solar wood burning and so much more!

    Developing and using the ability of clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudients, clairsentience, clairalience, and clairgustance in an ethical and effective manner can help us to understand ourselves and the world around us a bit better. Enabling us to find more balance, health, abundance, awareness and possibility.

    ​I naturally have access to all 5 extrasensory abilities, but have not known what they were, how to use them and how to strengthen them for the majority of my life. Life could have been so much easier if someone would've sat me down and explained it all to me, but that's not really my style. I'm the kind of person who likes to learn through experience, the journey of life unfolding before me. Having had all the challenges; all the falling flat on my face, picking myself up and heading in a different direction on the hunt for truth has equipped me with so much knowledge, lessons learned and experiences that continue to teach me and allow me to grow and evolve.

     Before having any kind of understanding of the world of the unseen, the intangible, I always had an awareness and could sense something beyond what I could physically see. Whether sensing the presence of a spirit, a physical person's energies, experiencing a clairvoyant premonition, channeling messages or hearing thoughts that didn't seem like my own. I didn't know how to begin to consciously understand my experiences. Not knowing how to understand what I was experiencing often made me feel like I was an outcast of society, like there was something really "wrong" with me but I couldn't put my finger on what, having navigated so many avenues of health and wellness. This created a lot of distress and confusion in my life, but that stress and confusion led me to where I am now. And I continue to open all the doors to self-discovery, and assist others in their journey, the best I can along the way.

    ​​While adventuring in Hawai'i events took place that connected me to my truth and helped to spark the unfolding of that truth. Living on the island of Maui I worked for a commercial dragon fruit farm. One hot Hawaiian summer day I retreated to the "chill room", it wasn't actually cold in that room, rather a little cabin that would offer shelter from the unforgiving sun beating down on the dry side of the island. In that hut was a communal bookshelf, being someone who loves to learn my eye scanned the titles. Nothing was grabbing me until 'You Are Psychic' caught my eye and spoke to my soul. On the dusty shelf of a communal living room of a dragon fruit farm the book sat. I took the book and began to read, struggling to really comprehend the material and falling asleep nearly every time I cracked it open to read. I kept the book anyway, knowing that I needed to for some reason. Little did I know, 5 years later I would own all of her books, and study under her through her school International School of Clairvoyance. Nor did I realize I would learn to understand, hone and expand my knowledge of my abilities and myself. My heart, mind and soul was drawn to discovery of something about me I was missing. I had looked at that something as an issue to be fixed or changed, but instead it was a gift to learn to control for the benefit of myself and others. I took the leap into the unknown to find myself.

    If you've ever thought of someone just before they called, felt someone's bad mood before they told you about it or saw imagery in your head as someone told a good story you can bet you have abilities beyond your 5 senses.

    I'm so grateful to have arrived where I am today and to continue to unfold the magic that is life as a human. The better we can understand ourselves and the nature of existence the more empowered we can be in living life well, in alignment with what we truly want for ourselves, as individuals and as a collective.

  • Description text goes hereJulie Starr Parker, Ph.D

    Julie is a transpersonal psychologist and psychic medium, offering a myriad of services including clairvoyant readings & healing, intuitive life coaching, and paranormal activity consultation and clearing. Julie is a graduate of the Master Class at the International School of Clairvoyance, which includes all 3 levels of Clairvoyance training, Mediumship, and Remote Viewing, and has also facilitated Wednesday and Sunday practice groups.  With a rich background, including a stint as a deputy sheriff, Julie provides insights into current life circumstances, relationships, goals, and future potentials, while also offering life coaching. Her services extend to providing solutions for those experiencing unsettling paranormal or psychic experiences, ensuring a holistic approach to spiritual and mental well-being. Julie provides accessible spiritual and psychic guidance to those seeking insight and clarity across various aspects of life.

Meet Our ISC Graduate Readers. All took all ISC classes & were practice group faciiltators before going pro.

Mae LaVonne Pettit

Julie Starr Parker, PhD,


  • Julie Starr Parker

    "Julie is not only an incredible practitioner, she’s an incredible person. The moment you join her space, you can feel her kindness, joy, and humor, and they become the backdrop for the sacred care she gives to her readees." - Joanna H.

    "Julie beautifully combines her background in psychology with her natural gifts as a psychic medium and is able to deliver highly individualized readings / healings. It's through her compassion, experience as a professor and natural gifts that she is able to deliver much-needed messages for anyone who would need insight and / or healing." - Jess L.

    "Julie is a one of a kind clairvoyant, medium and spiritual warrior". - Debra K.

  • Mae LaVonne Pettit

    "I’m used to readings done with cards so I was excited to see how she reads without them. Mae has a soothing and gentle energy that makes the reading feel almost meditative. She has a variety of different readings/things she can see into and she takes her time to look into every detail of these. She looked into my relationship at the time and the move that I was about to embark on. What helped me the most was when she looked into the core of my being and saw this very happy, playful, light being, which was far from how I felt at the time. But I knew she was right, and it comforted me to know that someone could see it. At the end of the reading, though she wasn’t ready to practice mediumship at the time, she saw my grandpa come forward and described him to me. I was overcome with peace and joy to have that experience. Mae is a gifted healer, clairvoyant, and overall light worker. I would definitely recommend her services." -Sydney