Events & Workshops

In addition to teaching weekly intuitive development classes through the International School of Clairvoyance, Debra will be speaking at the following events sponsored through other organizations

  • Come and meet Debra at the Conscious Life Expo where she will be helping out in booth 25 run by the International Remote Viewing Association and also on Sunday will be broadcasting a PsiChicks Episode. Come and say Hi!

  • IRVA .org - 12-Month Remote Viewing Supplemental Series With Debra L Katz PhD.

    Fri Mar 7, 2025 10:00 AM - Fri Feb 6, 2026 1:00 PM PST


    Online, Zoom

    12-Month Remote Viewing Supplemental Series

    Enhance, Expand, and Elevate Your Remote Viewing Personal & Professional Practice

    1st Friday of every month for 12 months. Beginning March 7th 2025 through February 6th 2026
    Included in this series: (Each class can be sold separately and has detailed description on its own ad. See Irva Sponsored events here for more details) 

    1. Psychic Protection, Creating Boundaries and Clairvoyant Healing Approaches for Remote Viewer

    2. Ideogram Mania for Remote Viewing

    3. A Dozen Approaches to Better Connect with a Remote Viewing Target

    4. Improving the “View” in Remote Viewing: Increasing Your Visual Acuity

    5. Remote Viewing & Alphanumeric – The Final Frontier

    6. Reality Shifting Targets and Remote Viewing

    7. Mediumship and Remote Viewing – Combining Two Powerful Practices

    8. Energy Healing, Influencing, Psychokinesis (PK), and Remote Viewing

    9. Body as Canvas in Remote Viewing

    10. Utilizing Dream ESP, Lucid Dreaming, Aesthetic Impact, and Bi-location to Access Remote Viewing Targets

    11. Delivering Professional-Quality Remote Viewing Sessions

    12. How to Start a Remote Viewing, Intuitive, or Coaching-Oriented Business on Any Budget in Less Than One Month

    This unique workshop series is designed to supplement other remote viewing training courses and elevate your current remote viewing skillset, practice, and overall well-being. Comprising 12 distinct modules, students have the flexibility to enroll in the full series or participate in individual modules that resonate with their interests and needs. Each module will be 3 to 3.5 hours long. Recordings will be available for students who are not able to attend in real time or would like to repeat the class.

    The unique program delves into topics often overlooked or insufficiently explored in traditional remote viewing and controlled remote viewing (CRV) training programs. With an emphasis on applied and professional practices, this series provides innovative tools and perspectives for tackling real-world challenges in remote viewing.

    80 percent of all modules will involve direct practice!

    Your Instructor:
    Debra Lynne Katz, currently serving as the President of the International Remote Viewing Association (IRVA), is a prolific researcher and experienced practitioner. With over 30 years dedicated to studying, researching, and teaching intuitive practices, and more than a decade focused on remote viewing instruction, Debra is a leading figure in the field.

    Drawing from her deep exploration of the Ingo Swann Archival Collection and The Stargate Archives along with assimilation of materials as a perpetual student of remote viewing and all things psi, Debra infuses her teachings with rare insights, creative methodologies, and a tailored approach to meet diverse learning styles. Her research and leadership within IRVA reflect her commitment to advancing the field and supporting practitioners at all levels.

    As the author of acclaimed books such as You Are Psychic: The Art of Clairvoyant Reading & HealingExtraordinary Psychic: Proven Techniques to Master Your Natural Psychic AbilitiesFreeing the Genie Within: Manifesting Abundance, Creativity & Success in Your LifeThe Complete Clairvoyant: A Trilogy, and her latest co-authored work Associative Remote Viewing: The Art & Science of Predicting Outcomes for Sports, Politics, Finances & the Lottery, Debra is uniquely positioned to guide students on their journey of intuitive and remote viewing mastery.

    Debra is extremely detailed in her descriptions of techniques, arming her students not only with the state of the art tools for intuitive functioning but with entire tool sheds filled with anything they may ever need, now and in the future, to handle both predictable and unexpected situations that will invariably come their way. Her philosophy is there is no one size fits all, nor should any student get fixated on a single method since every target, project, client, and need is different. At the same time, she is a firm proponent of mastering one methodology before moving onto others.

    Debra’s Teaching Style – Debra is truly an intuitive teacher. This means that every class is different, inspired by both whom is in attendance, a feeling for current needs and social trends and whatever is happening in the present moment. For this reason, you can expect every class to be an adventure and a workout, but all will not include written materials or a step-by-step syllabus in advance of the course. Rather, the agenda for each class will be presented at the start of that class on her white board. She also welcomes questions as an important aspect of any class but will make sure discussions or sharing of session work don’t derail the time for practice.

    Since being on camera is distracting, use of video will be entirely optional. During practice sessions all cameras will be turned off. The instructor will be on camera some of the time when lecturing but during practice sessions will not be visible.

    Who Should Enroll?
    This series is designed for everyone, including:  

    • Remote viewers of any skill level who have taken classes from any instructor and seek to refine their abilities.

    • Individuals currently enrolled in remote viewing classes who want to enhance their practice.

    • Beginners who have never taken a remote viewing class but want to build foundational skills 

    (while this series is not a comprehensive remote viewing course, it will prepare students for effective RV practice).

    What You’ll Gain:

    • Practical strategies for overcoming common challenges in applied and professional remote viewing.

    • A creative and personalized approach to advancing your skills in both classroom and real-world settings.

    • Tools to address overlooked aspects of remote viewing.

    • Deeper understanding of intuitive practices like clairvoyance, telepathy, and mediumship.

    Join the 12-Month Remote Viewing Supplemental Series to unlock your potential and gain insights that will transform your remote viewing practice!

    Cost for the 12 month series options:

    Series list price $944.00

    Pick 6 Classes $488.00

    Pick 3 Classes $277.00

    Pick 1 Class $99.99 ( sold separately in its own ad on Irva Sponsored Events.)

    Irva membership discounts apply by using your membership level discount code at check out on the second page in the middle (PromoCode). Codes are case sensitive:

    IRVAAssociate (for 10%)

    IRVATasker (for 15%)

    IRVASustainer (for 20%)

    IRVALifetime (for 25%)iption

  • March 19th, 2024 - Society for Scientific Exploration Online Program

    Remote Viewing Unlocked! SSE’s “Try It Yourself!” Workshop

    Join Debra Lynne Katz, Ph.D.

    President, International Remote Viewing Association

    for this exclusive Society for Scientific Exploration’s (SSE) Live Event

    March 19th : 2:00 PM TO 4:30PM Pacific Time: 2025: Register Here:

    Why Attend?

    • Hear the history of remote viewing as a scientifically studied phenomenon and helpful practice for everyday life.

    • Learn basic approaches to gain intuitive-based information about a distant “target” and how to extract additional data from earlier impressions.

    • Participate in a real remote viewing session of an undisclosed location, activity, or event with the help of an experienced monitor/interviewer and then compare your words and sketches to the feedback photo and video.

    The only way to learn remote viewing and fully grasp how it can be used to describe the world around us, is to do it! Fasten your seatbelts as you join us for a whirlwind adventure into the inner reaches of your own mind and subconscious! Learn how remote viewing is both a scientific methodology and an intuitive-based discipline that can be helpful in daily practice. If you have ever wondered whether it is truly possible to tune into and even sketch a distant and undisclosed location, object, activity, person, or event—or if you are already a remote viewer but seeking additional tips and approaches—you won’t want to miss this fun, educational, and inspiring hands-on event.  Register Now

    About Your Presenter

    Debra Lynne Katz, PhD, M.S.W. is the President of the International Remote Viewing Association and CEO/Lead instructor of the International School of Clairvoyance. She’s the author of several books including Associative Remote Viewing: The Art and Science of Predicting Outcomes for Sports, Finances, Politics and the Lottery;  You Are Psychic: The Art and Practice of Clairvoyant Reading and Healing; and Extraordinary Psychic: Proven Techniques to Master Your Natural Abilities. She’s an adjunct instructor at the California Institute of Human Sciences, guest host on the New Thinking Allowed Show, and co-host of “PsiChicks Talk Show.” She is along-time member of the SSE and has published several articles in the JSE and other peer-reviewed journals. Dr, Katz is a professional remote viewer, clairvoyant, energy healer, parapsychologist, and a former U.S. Probation Officer. Her websites are and

  • Theme: "Infusing the timeline of consciousness"


    October 5-10 Not too late to join us on the cruise to Mexico!

  • This is a semi-private event for those who have trained with former military remote viewer, Lyn Buchanan.

    Debra will be speaking there, and filming a documentary.

    If you are interested in attending, feel free to reach out to the conference organizers at:

  • July 26, 8:45pm PDT (Friday)

    Via Zoom

    Melbourne, Sydney

    The Australian Institute of Parapsychological  Research & Salubrious Events presents the

    Parapsychology Australia Online Conference  


    Saturday July 27th 2024, 8.30am – 3.30pm AEST (Sydney Time)

    via Zoom $40.00 per person

    Our Sixth Parapsychology Australia Online (PAO) event boasts another fascinating line-up of topics and speakers!

    Registration (8.00am – 8.30am AEST) – Includes Welcome and Introduction by AIPR Vice President Joyce Bok and AIPR President Dr. Vladimir Dubaj

    Introducing our Speakers for the day: Steve Parsons, Marc D’Antonio, Boris Walter, and Debra Lynne Katz

    Dr. Debra Lynne Katz – Ph.D. in Psychology; Masters in Social Work; Remote-Viewer, Clairvoyant, Medium, & Educator.

     Talk Description: Prophets throughout the ages have described cryptic visions that both intrigue and frighten us. Visual imagery is an important aspect of all psi modalities, those that are intentional and spontaneous. In this presentation, Dr. Katz takes a deep dive into imagery within intentional remote viewing, clairvoyant, and mediumship sessions vs. spontaneous psi experiences. A classification system of such imagery will be presented.

  • July 22nd to 27th, 2024, Salzburg, Austria

    Debra will be speaking at: July, 25, at 11:30am - 01:30pm, PDT.

    ​With remote viewing trainers, some of whom have over 25 years of experience in training and real projects and who share it with you.

    Debra Lynne Katz, Presidentin der IRVA / Gründerin der International School of Clairvoyance

    Debra Lynne Katz hat einen Doktortitel in Psychologie und einen Master-Abschluss in Sozialarbeit. Sie ist die Präsidentin der renommierten International Remote Viewing Association (IRVA) sowie Gründerin und Leiterin der International School of Clairvoyance. Debra ist als professionelle Remote Viewerin, Hellseherin, Medium, Energieheilerin und engagierte parapsychologische Forscherin tätig.

    Debra ist die Autorin der wegweisenden Bücher: The Complete Clairvoyant; A Trilogy; You Are Psychic: Die Kunst des hellsichtigen Lesens und Heilens; Extraordinary Psychic: Bewährte Techniken zur Beherrschung Ihrer natürlichen Fähigkeiten; Freeing the Genie Within, und Associative Remote Viewing: The Art & Science of Predicting Outcomes for Sports, Financials, Elections and the Lottery. Sie ist eine ehemalige Bewährungshelferin und TV-Moderatorin. Debra ist der Ansicht, dass jeder Mensch über ein intuitives Potenzial verfügt. In ihrer vielschichtigen Tätigkeit widmet sie sich der Aufgabe, Menschen dabei zu helfen, dieses Potenzial in einem Ausmaß zu entdecken, das sie nie für möglich gehalten hätten.
    Youtube (German language)
    Insight into My Remote Viewing Journey: Experiences & Training ( (Minute 11:14)

Conscious Life Expo International Remote Viewing Association

Event Five

Event Five

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

View Event →
Event Four

Event Four

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

View Event →
Event Three

Event Three

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

View Event →
Event Two

Event Two

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

View Event →
Event One

Event One

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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