Book a Remote Viewing Session with long-time Remote Viewing Expert Debra Lynne Katz, Ph.D.

Debra Lynne Katz, Ph.D., has an excellent track record as a professional remote viewer and clairvoyant. She has been training in clairvoyant work for 25 years, teaching for almost that long, and studying numerous forms of remote viewing for over a decade. She is a remote viewing instructor, an RV researcher and parapsychologist, an RV project manager and helps others achieve professionalism, accuracy, and detail in their work. In addition to being the founder and Director of the International School of Clairvoyance, she is the President of the International Remote Viewing Association. Although she can't promise complete accuracy (no remote viewer or intuitive can, or should!) she will always promise to do her very best work, and if she finds herself in a situation where she feels that they can't fulfill this promise, she will give you a refund. 


​Remote Viewing is a perceptual, intuitive-based practice in which a person uses a structured protocol to tune into information at a distance that cannot be accessed via logical mental processes. A remote viewing session will focus more on the physical, such as describing a location, an object, a business, a person, or an event or activity that has already occurred or may occur in the future.  


Think of a clairvoyant reading as a healing-based modality using psi-based faculties. A remote viewing services session is more like an investigative effort.  

Debra Lynne Katz will carry out a remote viewing session at a distance. Unlike a clairvoyant reading where you are on the phone or computer, in this case, Debra will do the work on her own and send you a written report with words and sketches and a summarized assessment.

If you want to know about yourself and your relationships or someone you are in a relationship with, you should book a clairvoyant reading instead of a remote viewing session unless you are seeking a session on paper at a distance and don't wish to phone or in-person contact (then your session can be set up like a paper remote viewing session where we generate a report). However, if you want to find a missing object or person or get insight into an event, you may want to consider booking a remote viewing session.  


This is perhaps the most critical question for you to consider. If you are just seeking answers for your knowledge, a remote viewing session can help. Are you seeking solutions that are going to require physical action and follow-up? If so, then you must ask yourself if you can take that action or if you are in a position to work with others who will accept and act on the information. 

For example, if you've simply misplaced something, a remote viewing session should help if it's still accessible because you should be able to go look for it. But if you have a friend of a friend that is missing, it doesn't matter if you get 100 percent correct information; chances are there is going to be nothing you can do with the information because most investigators aren't interested in psychic information. They already get too much of it and don't know what to do. There are tens of thousands of very well-meaning and talented psychics out there who get information about publicized cases and try to send it to investigators, and this just bogs down the system.

Now, if you are law enforcement or an investigator and have the means to act on the information, that's a different story, and then the information can be beneficial. If you are involved with an investigator on a case, we ask that you have them work with us instead of the family.

Note: We have licensed private detectives and skip tracers we can team up with who know these areas. It's just that there will be added fees for their services as well.


Please be aware that describing a location is much easier than naming it. While not impossible, Debra and most other psychics often don't get an entire address (Working on it but not there yet). So, let's say someone has stolen your watch. If it's someone you know, and you can genuinely access places they hide things, chances are the remote viewing course will help. Or let's say your watch has fallen under the cushion in your car. This will be easy for a viewer to describe. But let's say you lost your watch at an international airport; someone has taken it and is now in another country; whatever we come up with, even if we give you a hundred pages of descriptors and sketches, it isn't going to help you get your watch back unless your watch is at a very distinguishable building. It may, however, give you insights into whether or not to continue to look. Another consideration is whether the item is in motion (as in being moved from place to place) and whether it is near a unique landmark. If so, great. If not, it's going to be much harder to find.


Many people seek answers that fit their current suspicions or frame of reference. It's essential to be open-minded. Yes, perhaps the session will end up confirming what you suspected. But it may not. The session's goal cannot be and should not be to confirm what you already suspect but to describe what is.


We ask clients to book a session in advance. You are paying for the time of an experienced remote viewer/clairvoyant/project manager and a written report. Once you book a session, please contact Debra via the form below and let her know what you would like help with. If she doesn't think she can help you, she will let you know and give you an immediate refund. Avoid telling her where you think this is located or what happened because this can create extra noise, and again, the point is not to confirm what you think happened but rather tune into information directly. If you have lost an object or a person, please tell her what the object is or who the person is about you. Let her know why you are looking for this. She may ask you for some follow-up questions and then give you a projected deadline, typically within one to two weeks unless you specify this is time-sensitive. She will record her session on paper or a tape recorder and then transcribe the recorded session, write up a report, and email it to you. This will take a minimum of 3 hours and possibly several more or more time. 


Information comes into remote viewers in bits and pieces, not full-blown excellent compact storylines of precisely what happened in every detail. Debra has an excellent track record of describing locations, situations, and people (and has found objects buried on almost 3 acres of property). Still, it's essential to understand the nature of psi-based information. It is not always 100 percent accurate, precise, or neatly packaged. Finding items depends on the location of the item. It can, however, really help.

Remote Viewing Session with Debra Lynne Katz
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Remote Viewing Session with Debra Lynne Katz
Sale Price:$400.00 Original Price:$450.00

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Booking a Remote Viewing Session

  • Session feeis $400. This includes one retasking which means after you receive the report you may ask follow up questions but only about the topic you already asked about.

  • You can pay via this link here:

  • Contact Debra at

  • Interested in learning how to do remote viewing yourself? Join one of our remote viewing classes here

  • Read Debra and Jon’s Book on Associative Remote Viewing!

✺ Remote Viewing Services FAQ’s ✺


    Debra is highly ethical. She will not participate in any task involving stalking another person, criminal behavior, or anything that can harm another person, group, or organization.


  • Debra is unique in that she can work a target blind or with any degree of front loading (knowing information up front). There are pros and cons to both. Knowing information upfront, such as the nature of the target allows one to get more focused faster and have less retaskings to have to do.

    However, sometimes the logical mind can enter into a scenario. That can happen though when working blind as well. The advantage of working blind is that law enforcement or other's may feel more comfortable if they see the viewer is providing information they already can confirm which gives higher confidence in the information they can not yet confirm but are seeking. It also allows the client to keep certain information confidential.

    Again, it does take more time and work for a viewer to work blind. Also there could be disturbing elements a viewer should understand they are about to be exposed to.

    Debra prefers to at least know what the overall purpose is of a session. For example is she looking for a missing pet, person or thing? Is she providing informaiton about a business investment? If so giving her. at least a key word or two is useful

  • You may receive a refund only before the work is performed. Once Debra starts the remote viewing session and delivers a report to you, she has done intensive work. 

  • Depending on nature and needs of the the project, Debra may invite other viewers to participate, such as her advanced students. This allows for greater collaboration. She will not charge extra for this without discussing the pros and cons of this with you first. Also if you wish for her to not discuss the project with anyone else she will of course respect your wish for discretion.

  • Yes. We can look at various choices ranging from particular investment opportunities, decision making, staffing, project developent and troubleshooting. Some of this might best be done through combining remote viewing with clairvoyant reading methods (meaning meeting in real time over the phone).

  • Most of the time you will receive a detailed written summary of Debra's session complete with words and sketches. On occasion Debra may ask to give you a call to discuss the preliminary data and then go back and do another session and then send you the written report. Her procedure will depend on the type of target and request, the information that emerges, and maybe even her mood and energy level that week.

Remote Viewing Session with Debra Lynne Katz
Sale Price:$400.00 Original Price:$450.00