Advanced Remote Viewing & Project Management Class

Starts January 24, 2025

Tuesdays, 10 am PDT/1 pm EST

10-week course - 2.5 to 3 hours each week

with lots of practice during the week

Taught by: Debra Lynne Katz,  Ph.D.

All levels of remote viewers are welcome to take this class who have already had either Debra's 10-12 week remote viewing course or whom have attended any other instructors' controlled remote viewing courses.

We will start off with a review of what students felt they need more work on from the first class or from other training they received elsewhere. Even if you feel you are rusty from the first class (or others), do consider taking this one as we will get you caught up.

This course will help students troubleshoot problem areas they may be experiencing, teach additional approaches, fine-tune skills, work with a wide range of targets,  learn RV project management with the aim of going professional by the end of class. We will work a number of real-life operational cases including those related to crime solving, finding lost objects and missing people, psychological profiling and business consulting. We will also work on viewing graphs, letters and numbers.

We will also work with one-on-one monitoring.

Students will build a portfolio of professional-level transcripts and cases.

Students will also be invited to participate in a variety of ongoing research projects during and following class. 

Although we will work together in a small group format, the class is really tailored to the individual needs of the viewers and group overall so each class is different.

This course includes:

  • Lots of Practice Opportunities in and out of class

  • Opportunities to participate in real-life applied projects and research projects during cass and after

  • Individualized personal attention in the form of in class monitoring, instructior attention to needs and progress of each sudent

✺ Remote Viewing - FAQs ✺

  • The main focus of the clairvoyant development classes is on reading and healing people seeking information about themselves, their own lives, relationships, goals, etc. While remote viewing locations and finding things are introduced and focused on a tiny bit, there are other focuses of the clairvoyant classes.

    The clairvoyant programs are ideal for those with an interest in working with other people to help enhance their lives, as well as for people seeking meditative tools to improve their minute-to-minute experience in terms of learning how to maintain states of peace, well-being, creativity, and enthusiasm while learning how to destress. Body/Being orientation is also covered as is reading and healing auras, mental image pictures/deprogramming, understanding energy exchanges, the law of attraction and understanding and healing empathic energy exchanges are also covered in these classes, as is beginning mediumship concepts and practices.

    So, there is a very large self-healing, manifesting and spiritual/component for the clairvoyant classes. Also, students mostly speak out loud as they learn to utilize symbols to access information for themselves and others. Hence, students need to feel relatively comfortable speaking out loud about things they will initially feel unsure and even silly about. Students need to feel comfortable talking to others and with the idea of "playing" with their imagination, which is the vehicle by which psi-based information comes in.
    Meanwhile, in the remote viewing class, we do our intuitive work primarily by writing and sketching, although there is no need for artistic talent, so don't worry about that! (although it can help!). Remote viewing class focuses on targets such as locations and objects, finding lost items or missing people, describing photos, preparing oneself for applied, psychic detective work, financial or science-based projects, etc. This was born from a specific "scientific" approach as its seeped within the history of the former U.S. military programs and other parapsychology research lab discoveries.

    While techniques in accessing info about people at locations or involved in mysteries will be offered, this approach is quite different than in the clairvoyant classes. While some esoteric targets will be explored, most will have a concrete, grounded, verifiable knowledge approach. That being said, Debra teaches from a heart-centered approach, where the words "spiritual" and "psychic" are welcome, although it's understood not everyone is comfortable with these words and that's OK.

    Students will leave this class understanding the traditional approach to Remote viewing, which does not talk in spiritual terms, but rather in scientific terms. If you are interested in anything psychic but have already mastered reading and healing people, or if that interests you, you would want to avoid reading someone face to face or over the phone. Still, suppose you are fascinated with anything related to intuition, precognition, telepathy, etc., and you are looking for something fun and social. In that case, this class is for you!

    If you also like getting lots of concrete feedback and finding out quickly if you were right or wrong with your psi-based perceptions, this remote viewing class is also for you!

  • My 10 to12 week courses (3 to 4 hours per week taught via Zoom) include a modified/compilation version of Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) methodology in that since I've studied multiple versions of it with a variety of instructors, I bring together what I've found to be the most critical aspect of each derivative, and also share alternatives/modifications to give students choices. I get students as quickly as possible through all the stages through the various options for summary writing and compilation sketches, utilizing what I’ve found to be most important. That being said, no one teaches CRV precisely the same anyway.

    I also bring some aspects of transdimensional systems (TDS) methodology and advanced Scientific Remote Viewing concepts.

    Further, my program includes a segment on Associative Remote Viewing, as discussed in the 700-page book I co-authored with Jon Knowles, which you can read more about here. Since I’ve been finding many more students are already familiar with Associative Remote Viewing, I will bring in different types of targets they have likely not had a chance to experience yet, rather than just photographs, and have students focus on senses such as taste and smell.

    My class differs from straight CRV classes in that I cover how to do remote viewing without using a structured methodology first and demonstrate times where structure is not essential, but then also go on to help students understand through direct application where it can be instrumental. I have students work on many different target types, moving them through the various stages very quickly and then continuing to revisit them, and I focus on multiple ways of using ideograms, rather than just one way. It's multidimensional because we go through one, two, three and multi-dimensional targets (paintings/computer generated pictures, 3-D objects, locations, videos, missing things, alpha-numeric, etc.). Still, we also attempt different multidimensional approaches and utilize tools that are of different dimensions as well.

    Also since I've worked with so many project managers, researchers, teachers, students and clients I teach students how to work with multiple kinds of managers under different scenarios and for other purposes. I've also studied and practiced intuitive approaches more utilized in reading people, which are entirely different from remote viewing approaches. I bring this awareness through discussions and practices. I can draw parallels between these, whereas other RV teachers have no experience in these other realms.

    Because of my extensive background in clairvoyant reading techniques , I emphasize the use of visual techniques but also spend quite a bit on somatic techniques. I help students discover which initial approaches work best for them and then highlight secondary probing approaches to get more and more details.

    I also get students to focus on ways to record and report their data and sketches that will make a client, project manager or research most happy with their work. How remote viewer say their data is as essential as intuitively accessing it. Often, for more advanced students this is something they need help with. CRV can produce hundreds of descriptors and sketches and the problem is few clients or project managers have time to sift through this data. It’ must be recorded efficiently and concisely yet descriptively, to fit each situation.We also cover topics such as monitoring, so students get some experience being monitored by others, while learning how to be self-monitors as they go along.

    I guess you could say, as an instructor, I'm multi-dimensional and bring my students to that place too – where they don’t just have a single set of tools but several tool bags to mix and match as the particular situation calls for.