Clairvoyant Program Level 3

Co-Creating a Magnificent Future through Clairvoyant Reading & Healing

(10 Week Intensive & highly interactive live Webinar classes)

Starts Jan 8 2025 (Wednesdays)

10 am PDT/ 1 pm EST

early bird special $300 off if paid prior to one month at the start of class

With your guide, Debra Lynne Katz, Ph.D

Welcome to the Clairvoyant Level 3 Program - where we operate on a whole other dimension than in the other classes! This is a very intense self-transformational journey of a class! It is only offered once a year because it is so intense to teach it! Prerequisites are Level One & Two Clairvoyant Programs taught via the International School of Clairvoyance.

​While this class is not essential to take for those on the path of developing their psychic abilities, you will expand your skill set and comfort level while having a lot of fun.

We'll do a mixture of reading new people, each other, and known figures from leaders of all types we wish to emulate, to criminals who we will profile to hone investigative skills, to lots of people in between. We will also work with dreams to increase precognition and achieve goals.

While there have always been those leaders throughout time who refuse to give into the restraints imposed upon them by societies prevailing thought forms, beliefs, and limiting power structures, we find ourselves at a time when all people, throughout the world have the opportunity to thrive, prosper, grow, and lift themselves to new heights in ways never thought possible before. The world needs strong leaders, teachers, advocates, protectors, and those who continue to raise the bar on the meaning of “freedom”.

In this class, that is not for the weary, spiritual truths and powers that are inherent in all religions will be explored and harnessed. While we will explore the very blueprints of our souls, we won’t be as focused as where we have come from, but rather on where are we going and what reality we wish to create ahead for ourselves. We will seek to change the very reality we are currently existing in on an energy level and pave the way for the millions of souls who will soon be embarking on a path of greater conscious awareness, of all they are capable as intuitive, healers, teachers and creative beings, whether these souls are people or are personalities soon to descend upon this planet. We will also look at how we can alter physical matter as well, through PK experiments, telepathy, telekinesis, intensive clairvoyant readings & healings/deprogrammings, all for the purpose of healing, abundance, creativity, well-being and fun. 

 If this sounds intense, well, it will be, but we will be in it together. Whoever signs up for this class will do so with the idea that mediocrity in this life, playing by the rules of those in society who don’t even know their own divinity or wish to keep the secret of this from others, is not an option.

Initial Course Goals and Activities

  • Help students to fine tune, polish, and hone their clairvoyant, clairaudient, telepathy and healing skills to higher levels of proficiency and efficacy so they can continue to help others in the highest way possible.

  • Work on skills (like reading letters and numbers) that we haven't had a chance to do in other classes.

  • Help students increase their leadership skills and confidence to prepare for what is about to come.

  • Help students overcome limits and deal with the fact that they have already gotten to a place with their intuitive skill level that most humans will never even understand.

  • Help students learn how to uplift their own mental and emotional states and other people's with even greater fluency and easy.

  • Dream ESP

  • Practice with Letters and Numbers

  • Psychological Profiling

  • Expanded relationship work.

  • Help students enter deeper into the realm of miracles and magic and empowerment.

  • Introduce sketching and artwork as methods of reading and healing people.

  • Help students expand their library of symbols.

  • Help students explore, and heal the various conflicting parts of themselves that get in the way of achieving goals and letting go of old patterns.


$300 off $1800 Early Bird Pricing to equal $1500 if paid prior to one month before the start of class.

*For Students in MasterClass who already took 4 out of 5 classes they can take this program for half off the discounted early bird price.

It’s tough to summarize just how impactful Debra’s classes are!  She is so patient and her techniques are simple but life-changing.  I signed up for the first class because I wanted to work full-time as a clairvoyant reader and I certainly feel this is possible now.  However, the healing and opening to possibilities during the classes has transformed my perception of what is possible and how I want to be of service.  If you are reading this, it is because you are ready to make these same types of breakthroughs in your own life.  “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”  Debra is an incredibly talented and gifted psychic and teacher.  Most classes felt like they were being taught specifically just for me.  It was a miraculous experience when I look back on it now.  I highly recommend Debra’s classes to everyone and her books are a gift to all of us.  Thank you, Debra!

Former Level 3 Student
— Quote Source

This course includes:

  • Lots of in class power meditations and reading exchanges

  • All classes re recorded in case someone can’t make it.

  • Students really amp up their confidence. They use the power of the group space to boost their own manifestations.

  • Additional practice group opportunities

  • Facilitator training for ISC practice groups

  • Opportunity to become a graduate reader with ISC upon program completion

✺ Clairvoyant Program Level III - FAQ’s ✺

  • Fun


    Belief in miracles

    Belief in limitless

    Respect for all levels & backgrounds

    Cooperation & supportive enviroment

    Lots of open and clear communication

    Honesty, Integrity, professionalism

    Relaxed but structured environment

    Clear expectations and objectives

    Varied approached for all learning styles

    Multi-tasking to acheive healing, manifesting, psychic goals all at once.

    Unlimited Permission to Grow

    Let's have fun while we learn attitude

    Knowing there are no limits to spirit

    Respect for all participants

  • You may take this class for 50% off the early discount if you are enrolled in the MasterClass Program.

  • No worries you'll do fine!

  • Some students may be welcome to take this class while also taking the Level 2 class simultaneously. Otherwise its really helpful to first have Level 2 as if you just skip to this youll be missing quite a bit. Contact Debra to discuss further.

  • You may retake this class for 50 percent off the early bird discount if you took it once before.