Glossary of Psychic Related Terms

  • A transformative practice in which one thing is transformed into a different state. This thing may exist purely on an energy, chemical or even physical level. The word “Alchemy” comes from a medieval practice in which early chemists (alchemists) with a mystical bent, sometimes part of secret esoteric societies and commissions by royalty and others in power, attempted to transform various substances into gold, silver or other precious metals. Today the term is used more often to describe the process of manifestation.

  • A methodology that utilizes remote viewing within a particular precognitive protocol that is utilized primarily for predicting the result of events where there are two or more possible outcomes. Common events would include sports betting; (for example, predicting which team will win, the over/under score); horse racing; stock market/financial futures, etc. It involves associating either a photo, video or sensory experience (i.e., a particular taste or smell) with a particular outcome. In this case the remote viewer or psychic isn’t viewing the outcome itself, but rather that which is paired with the outcome. Associate Remote Viewing is utilized in situations where there usually aren’t enough differences between options for a remote viewer/psychic to be able to give a description that will distinguish between the two option. So if one outcome (horse 1) is paired with a photo of a jet landing, and the other (horse 2) is paired with a photo of a baby playing in a sand box, the viewer will describe the one attached to the winning outcome in enough detail, so whoever is evaluating the session will have no doubt which photo is being described, and then can go on to make the appropriate wagering/betting decision. Whereas, if the remote viewer described a horse, it would be too hard to know which horse he/she was describing. This methodology usually requires a team approach and there is currently a lot of research and new developments happening in this field. 

  • Hearing psi-based information in words or sounds. These may include telepathic thoughts, or sounds.

  • Instant knowing without use of analytic thought. When this happens one feels as if one just suddenly knows or understands something even though it didn’t come in the form of a vision, or message. Its most often associated with the crown and feels as if it just lands in one’s mind.

  • (AKA psi-based empathy). Feeling other’s emotions and body sensations.

  • An intuitive ability that allows for accessing information about the world or other people through visions, images, colors and pictures. 


    The act of one person using their intuitive abilities, with a focus on the visual but allowing all other abilities to interact with these visuals, for the purpose of accessing information about another person and their life. This other person may or may not be present.

  • Energy Healing involves the release of harmful or unproductive energies within and around the body causing pain or emotional distress, while bringing in more useful or appropriate energies. Clairvoyant healing involves the manipulation of such energies through the artful use of focus, intention and visualization. This allows for the restoration and balancing of the flow of energy in the body. There are many different forms of energy healing and each may make use of different types and sources of energy. While some forms of energy healing involve the channeling of energy from the healer’s body to the clients, this form is not recommended in most circumstances. Rather the use of the client’s own innate life force energy, and other energies within the natural environment are employed. Additionally, the help of spirit guides who can help strengthen the client’s connection to a deeper or higher source of healing within themselves, and with their creator is also employed. The bottom line is that each person has within themselves the natural ability to heal. This healing can happen when they go within, into a relaxed, meditative state and do simple visualizations themselves. However, sometimes when there is just too much “interference” from other energetic sources (such as other people or too much crowding from other’s demands), an outside healing can help. Also, sometimes a person is emotionally-blocked and this is when outside assistance can make a big difference. Energy healing can sometimes lead to real, measurable physical changes, but not always. That’s why it’s always recommended that energy healing be used to supplement regular visits to medical professionals. Sometimes, oftentimes the body just has too much damage, weakness or illness to be repaired without more intensive intervention. So it’s recommended that energy healing be utilized more for emotional and mental healing, and the release of pain when no other allopathic treatment has helped. This is the position of those at the International School of Clairvoyance. Doctors, many medications, surgical procedures are tools of God as much as is any other form of alternative therapy. It’s just how thoughtfully and carefully and appropriately these are used is the issue.

  • A highly structured methodology for obtaining information through ones intuition and subconscious. It was developed within the U.S. government’s formerly classified programs by psychic/artist Ingo Swann, with the assistance of two eminent scientists with the Stanford Research Institute, Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ. This methodology was utilized to supplement intelligence information for the U.S. government. (Their book Mind Reach is highly recommended as a great place to start for all remote viewing students!). The written methodology of CRV consists of several distinct stages or phases and requires the viewers to be “blind” to a target, and to organize one’s information in a very particular way. The focus is usually on viewing locations, objects and activities for a particular purpose, whether for practice, investigations, finding lost objects or missing people or for psi research. Currently, CRV is used by corporations, archaeologists, businessmen, physicians, and law enforcement, to name a few.

  • Replacing waking Psi with Dreaming to describe and sketch future feedback photos or events

  • A person who is an empath is particularly attuned and impacted by their clairsentient ability. They can feel others’ emotions, and body sensations such as exhaustion and sexual arousal.

  • Transforming, transmuting the building blocks of what keeps someone unwell, or stuck or in pain or distress. Bodies, goals and relationships can be impacted.

  • A reflexive mark, made by a person’s hand, for the purpose of accessing information about a target at the start of a remote viewing session, or throughout when the viewer needs to reconnect or guide oneself around in a structured way. This is a major technique utilized in Controlled Remote Viewing and it’s many derivatives. It is often used at the very start of a remote viewing session although it has uses throughout. This concept was conceived of by Ingo Swann and developed further by his students who have various ways in which they work with probing and decoding these. An ideogram is based on the idea that the subconscious has access to all data being sought and it communicates through spontaneous, reflexive movements by the body (defined above as Somatic Unconscious Body Responses) when they are given the opportunity to interact with the physical world. In this case the hand holds a pen and makes this mark on a paper.

  • This concept is based on a universal law commonly referred to as the law of attraction, which involves using conscious and unconscious thoughts, emotions and actions into alignment in order to bring about a change or bring something that is not visible or currently present into fruition so that it can be seen and experienced. This something could be an object, person, relationship, or experience. Actions that aid in this process are visualizations, clairvoyant healing, clairvoyant reading, affirmations, journaling, etc. This process is explained in detail in the book Freeing the Genie Within, by Debra Katz.

  • A type of exercise/experiment developed by Russel Targ and Hal Puthoff at Stanford Research Lab, the research arm of the U.S. government RV programs. A person goes out to a location and remote viewers describe their surroundings. Remote Viewers tend to get excellent results with these.

  • Parapsychology is a specific field within the broader discipline of Psychology. It focuses on studying all things related to psi – extrasensory perception (ES), the paranormal, PK, etc. It includes both quantitative, statistical based experiments and qualitative studies. It explores direct phenomena as well as beliefs and practices about it. The leading organizations that study this are the Parapsychological Association, The Rhine Research Center, The Parapsychological Foundation, The American Society for Psychical Research, The Society for Psychical Research in the UK. Other organizations include the Wind bridge Foundation and divisions of IONs, the Institute for Noetic Sciences.

  • Simple sketches in the spirit of pioneers Rene Warcollier, author of Mind to Mind and Upton Sinclair, author of Mental Radio, who conducted experiments in clairvoyance and thought transference by having one person focus on an item and draw it while another person in a separate room who had no idea what the object was, attempt to perceive and sketch it.

  • Generally indicates cures that cannot be explained in terms of accepted medical principles. Associated terms include faith healing, psychic healing, spirit cures.

  • Generally indicates cures that cannot be explained in terms of accepted medical principles. Associated terms include faith healing, psychic healing, and spirit cures.

    ​Remote viewing has been defined by Targ and Katra (2000) as “the acquisition and description by mental means of information blocked from ordinary perception by distance, shielding, or time.” (p.4). Thalbourne (2003) later described remote viewing as “a neutral term for general extrasensory perception... especially in the context of an experimental design in which a percipient [perceiver/receiver] attempts to describe the surroundings of a geographically distant agent [sender]” (p. 107). However, Ingo Swann (1993), who claims to have coined the term in 1971-72 with Janet Mitchell, at the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR), in cooperation with Karlis Osis and Gertrude Schmeidler, wrote, “there can be no doubt at all that remote viewing originally referred to a particular kind of experiment, not a particular kind of psi ability... It is very difficult to define a psychic ability. But it is not hard to define an experiment” (p. 75).  He explained that an important aspect of remote viewing methodology is that it includes blinding and feedback protocols.

    The International Remote Viewing Association (IRVA) provides the most current definition on their website:

    “Proper RV is done within a strict science-based protocol. As mentioned, the viewer is kept unwitting of the nature identity of the target until after the session is completed. Except in training situations, the monitor (a sort of remote viewing “guide” or facilitator that may assist the viewer during the session) is also unwitting, and external clues or data about the target are carefully excluded. Sessions are conducted in a setting that prevents knowledge of the target “leaking” to the viewer. These measures are important to ensure that the viewer does not receive hints or clues about the target in any way other than what would be considered “psychic.”

    IRVA’s description continues:

    “Despite the “viewing” part of the term, remote viewing is only partly about experiences associated with what might be visible about a target. It also involves mental impressions pertaining to the other senses, such as sounds, tastes, smells, and textures, as well as limited telepathy-like effects, and in some cases just plain intuitive “knowing.”…In RV, the viewer not only verbalizes what he or she is perceiving, but usually also records in writing, in sketches, and sometimes even in three-dimensional modeling the results of the RV episode, or “session.”


  • This is a psychic ability that occurs through body movements or spontaneous actions prompted by unconscious psi. An example of this psychic ability is when a person finds themselves walking in a certain direction they usually wouldn’t go in, and maybe their mind fights with them as it makes no sense why they are doing this, but then they meet up with someone they have been looking for. This ability can’t really make it self-known unless the body has a means by which to interact with the environment. It comes out for remote viewers who use paper and who sketch. An example of this would be when a remote viewer sketches something that seems extremely large on a piece of paper, or perhaps slanted, or in a corner, even though this was not perceived visually. A newer viewer will find their own behaviors odd and think they are being sloppy or careless. However, an experienced viewer will understand that their body somehow recognized this is a representation of the object or location being described. Quite often that is exactly the case. Ideograms as defined below operate from this concept.

  • A spirit guide is simply a discarnate being (without a body) who has a mission to be helpful. Some spirit guides may have had human bodies before as in deceased relatives while other may be of non-human origin.


  • This is a term used in remote viewing to denote that which is being described. It is the intended subject to be precisely focused on. In parapsychological research, a target is also sometimes referred to as “target material”.

  • Communication that occurs at a distance through mind to mind thought transference between a person and another person, animal, or being. This communication can also occur between one person’s mind and another person subconscious or inner voice.


  • Clairvoyant Levels 1, 2 and 3 classes are taught through audio only so students focus on the internal screen of their mind instead of on their computers. Students will dial into a phone number that is located in California and enter in an assigned pin number. They can use any type of phone, style or assigned web link, but will need to be hands free. The teleconferencing system allows for free communication, intensive interaction and participation by students through a unique set of audio features that make it possible for supervised practice with partners and smaller groups.

  • These are beings that don’t have a particular person’s best interest in mind. They may not necessarily be evil, they may just be selfish or think they know what is best for another.

  • The ISC Remote Viewing class is taught via webinar. ISC Webinars utilize an internet-based program allowing for constant interaction, communication, and participation by students, who will be able to see their instructor’s screen and occasionally share their own. A good internet connection, built in, or external headphones and microphone will be needed. Webcams will not be used because these can be distracting when one is doing intuitive-based exercises.