ISC Mediumship Program

Starts September 10th, 2024

Tuesdays 10 am PDT, 3. 5 hours per week

Classes are highly interactive taught via Zoom, in real-time by Debra Lynne Katz

(payment plans available)

What will I learn in the ISC Mediumship Program? 

Learn the art and practice of mediumship - an extension of clairvoyant reading and healing but primarily focusing on developing and utilizing one's mediumship abilities in the safest way possible. Weekly in-class lessons include open questions throughout class, guided meditations and self-healing, manifesting exercises, lectures, discussions, and large group, small group, and one-on-one practice sessions. Additional group practice sessions and reading assignments on the history of physical mediumship supplement this program.

In the ISC Mediumship Program designed by Debra Lynne Katz you will learn:

  • How to overcome fears about spirit communication.

  • How to reach and recognize various trance states

  • Discerning between forms of spirit communication, analytic mind & other intuitive forms of communication.

  • Various forms of channeling

  • To recognize when you are already channeling.

  • How to tune into guides & and loved ones around a client.

  • How to tune into specific deceased people a client is asking about.

  • How to utilize guides for self-healing and the healing of others.

  • How to utilize writing and physical actions for communications (automatic writing)

  • How to set boundaries with guides.

  • Psychic Self-Defense Techniques.

  • Understanding how to remain in control of your space while making use of communications.

  • Body being orientation (reading in the body and out of the body)

  • Professional Ethics. 

  • Communicating with various beings from human to non human.

  • Connecting and working with animal spirits and totems

  • Creating your own guides through intention to work for you in all capacities of intuitive work and manifestation.

  • Physical Mediumship Vs. Mental Mediumship 

  • Communicating with deceased bits of intelligences to gain knowledge.

You will learn to overcome bad psychic habits, including:

  • Fishing for information through excessive verbal questioning

  • Seeking constant validation from your client

  • Giving analytic inspired advice instead of intuitive guidance

  • Allowing your emotions or need to be liked to get in your way

  • Being completely dependent on any physical divination tool outside yourself (instead, if you already use a divination tool such as tarot cards, you will be helped to have the cards appear visually rather than having you use them in class)

In the ISC Mediumship Program taught by Debra Lynne Katz, with occasional special celebrity guests, you will continue to learn to access, enhance, and make use of all your mediumship & intuitive abilities (even those never experienced before), including:​

  • Clairvoyance                Accessing Intuitive Information through Vision, Images, Pictures,Colors.

  • Telepathy                     Mind to mind, or heart-to-heart communication.

  • Clairaudience              Hearing psi-based information in words or sounds.

  • Clairsentience              Feeling other’s emotions and body sensations

  • Claircognizance           Instant knowing without use of analytic thought.

  • Somatic Intelligence    Body movements or spontaneous actions prompted by unconscious psi

  • Energy Healing            Transforming, transmuting the building blocks of what keeps someone unwell, or stuck or in pain or distress. Bodies, goals, and relationships can be impacted.

​Extra practice opportunities and audio recordings will also be included. If you would like to retake the course you may do so at half off the early discounted price the second time around.

Who is this Class for?

​This class will support all other forms and methods of intuitive, therapeutic, and healing work. This class is for beginners through professionals, but you must have taken or be close to completing the Level One Clairvoyant Class or an equivalent Clairvoyant Program. Whether you've got no idea how to get started with mediumship, you wish to supplement a current therapeutic practice with your intuition, or you've been doing psychic work professionally for years. If you want to bring your training to the next level by increasing your clairvoyant and letting go of bad habits, this class is for you.

Prerequisites: An intense desire and willingness to learn about and enhance your own intuitive potential, and level one.

Debra is not just any instructor!

 Debra Katz has spent a lot of time thinking and writing about how to help people develop their abilities as a published author of three books on the subject, which form the training manuals of the program. She is a clairvoyant, medium, remote viewer and parapsychologist. In working with her, you will have the benefit of learning alongside a highly experienced (and patient!) instructor who has over 25 years of experience in multiple psi-based modalities and has performed thousands of professional readings for people, businesses, entrepreneurs, law enforcement (under extreme and unusual circumstances and in all sorts of settings); has performed hundreds of hours of remote viewing sessions, is a psi researcher/research subject, holds an M.S.W.; and soon will have a Ph.D in Psychology from the University of West Georgia. 

Payment Plans

If you want to take this course we will make it happen! Please inquire about unique plans!

No interest Payment plans are available upon checkout. 

 Ask about overseas and Canadian discounts where the dollar is more than your currency!  We will match coins!