Effects of Background Context for Objects in Photographic Targets on Remote Viewing Performance
Debra Lynne Katz, International Remote Viewing Association, USA
James D. Lane, Rhine Research Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA
Michelle Freed-Bulgatz
Photographic images of physical objects are common targets
in remote viewing projects today. This exploratory experiment investigated
whether the background within which the object is positioned may
impact the accuracy of remote viewing. Twelve experienced remote viewers
each completed 30 open-response, triple-blind remote viewing trials,
requiring them to utilize extrasensory perception to describe the photographic
image they would receive via email a few days later. Investigators
created a photographic target pool of complex objects set within one of
three background conditions: 1) White: devoid of information; 2) Normal:
a setting in which the object would typically be found; 3) Unusual: a setting
in which the object would not typically be found. Participants completed
a total of 360 in-depth transcripts consisting of 8,460 written
descriptors and 1,472 sketches. Two methods were used to analyze the
transcripts for accuracy, the traditional sum of ranks matching procedure
and an exploratory method involving the scoring of each item and sketch
by both the participant and an independent judge. These two methods
revealed significant but opposite differences for photographic targets of
objects set within white backgrounds compared to the other two backgrounds.
Better scores for targets with a white background were found
for the traditional matching procedure, but worse scores were found for
this background when each item and sketch were rated individually. In
Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 752–787, 2021 0892-3310/21
Effects of Background in Photo Targets on Remote Viewer Performance 753
addition, the individual items and sketches were found to describe the
target object more frequently than the background when normal or unusual
backgrounds were present. Results suggest that object background
can affect the outcome of remote viewing sessions, although the effect
may depend on the scoring method applied.
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Keywords: Remote viewing, target material, extrasensory perception,
anomalous cognition, photographic target material