Explorations into Remote Viewing Microscopic Organisms

Researchers: Lance William Beem and Debra Lynn Katz

Summary article written by T.W. Fendley

Publication: Aperture Magazine, Published by the International Remote Viewing Association, Fall/Winter 2015.


This project’s proposal was the winner of the very first IRVA-IRIS Warcollier Research Award. It focused on investigating real-life applications of remote viewing, such as describing the structure of a virus. It was initiated after the researchers conducted a series of informal studies testing whether viewers could identify the presence of the Tomato Mosaic Virus in plants, utilizing a variety of remote-viewing protocols. A comprehensive literature review found only two other studies that focused on the intuitive exploration of microscopic biological Occult Chemistry, was originally published in 1895 by Charles Webster Leadbeater and Annie Besant, in which they described atoms via their clairvoyance. The other was a study conducted by Edwin C. May, Ph.D. and Beverly S. Humphrey, Ph.D. at Stanford Research Institute (SRI), which tasked remote viewers with identifying the presence of the Salmonella bacterium. According to Dr. May, this study has not yet been published.

The goal of this study was to determine whether remote viewers could describe a Bacteriophage (aka Phage or “bacterial virus”) in enough detail to provide useful information to scientists. It was an ideal subject for remote viewers, who might have the ability to observe a Phage in its natural environment within bacteria, without the need to destroy or alter it for observation. Bacteriophage is widely used in many countries outside the United States in place of antibiotics for the treatment of illnesses such as diphtheria, cholera, and scarlet fever.

As part of a free-response, double-blind study, idea of what the target was. They only later learned that they had remote viewed a microscopic target, a one scientist new to remote viewing to exclaim, “This is blowing my mind. How is this possible?”

Beem prepared the study’s tasking questions and kept them in a sealed envelope in his home desk, sharing them with Katz only after each phase was completed:


Second target: WHAT IS THE PHAGE’S TRIGGER FOR REPLICATION IN A BACTERIA? (i.e., What causes it to make the choice to replicate via the lysogenic cycle or the lytic cycle?)

To decrease the possibility of experimenter telepathic contamination, only Katz had contact with the remote viewers during the recruitment, tasking, and feedback processes. She recruited them during one week from remote-viewing and intuitive development group lists, forums, social-networking sites, personal e-mail invitations, and by word of mouth. Some viewers were new, with little or no training, while others were at the advanced or professional level and had extensive experience using a variety of methodologies.

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Debra Lynne Katz, PhD

DEBRA LYNNE KATZ has a Ph.D in Psychology and a Masters's Degree in Social Work. She founded the International School of Clairvoyance and has been the lead instructor since its inception. Her remarkable literary contributions include "The Complete Clairvoyant; A Trilogy"; "You Are Psychic: The Art of Clairvoyant Reading and Healing", "Extraordinary Psychic: Proven Techniques to Master Your Natural Abilities", "Freeing the Genie Within", and "Associative Remote Viewing: The Art & Science of Predicting Outcomes for sports, financials, elections, and the lottery".

Debra is a versatile professional, excelling in multiple disciplines. She's an accomplished remote viewer, clairvoyant, medium, energy healer, and dedicated parapsychological researcher. She's a futurist in every sense of the word. As the President of the International Remote Viewing Association, her leadership in the field is evident. Her diverse background also includes holding the positions of Federal Probation Officer and TV show host.

A strong advocate for unlocking innate intuitive reading potential, Debra believes that everyone possesses untapped abilities. She's committed to guiding individuals on a journey of self-discovery, helping them realize their never-imagined potential levels.


Merten J. Mandeville Library of Parapsychology and Occultism Explorations and Adventures in Library Research at the University of Illinois


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