Predicting the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election Using a Double-Blind Associative Remote Viewing Protocol

Researchers: Debra Lynne Katz & Michelle Freed Bulgatz, Data Analyst: Nancy McLaughlin-Walter

Publisher: Eight Martinis | Issue 15


In this double-blind Associative Remote Viewing Project, 41 moderate to highly experienced Remote Viewers were tasked with describing a feedback photo they would see at a future date. The photo was to be associated with the winner of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. Researchers compared the remote viewers’ written transcripts to a set of four photos– two associated with to the Republican and Democratic frontrunners, one with a third-party candidate opinion, and one with an impossible opinion that served as the control group. A formal prediction was issued for a short period with some viewers being exposed to it and some not, to assess whether exposure to a potentially wrong prediction might result in displacement to the wrong photo. Other variables such as viewer preferences and voting behaviors were also assessed. Based on the suggestion to reject the null hypothesis during the hypothesis test summary a Wilcoxon test was conducted to assess the judge’s scoring value of viewer transcript across photos. The results indicated a significant difference where z= -3.147, p<.01. The mean of the ranks of Hilary (the popular vote front-runner) was 13.71, while the mean of the ranks in favor of Trump (the electoral vote front-runner) was 17.28. Results indicated that rather than describing the photo the remote viewers consciously saw at the future date, they instead tuned into photos they would not see. Why did this happen? Is a large group consensus-based approach really the best to use in projects such as these? And what does this mean for the future of Associative Remote Viewing projects that encounter similar incidents of displaced psi despite what seems to be a logical and theoretically sound design?

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Debra Lynne Katz, PhD

DEBRA LYNNE KATZ has a Ph.D in Psychology and a Masters's Degree in Social Work. She founded the International School of Clairvoyance and has been the lead instructor since its inception. Her remarkable literary contributions include "The Complete Clairvoyant; A Trilogy"; "You Are Psychic: The Art of Clairvoyant Reading and Healing", "Extraordinary Psychic: Proven Techniques to Master Your Natural Abilities", "Freeing the Genie Within", and "Associative Remote Viewing: The Art & Science of Predicting Outcomes for sports, financials, elections, and the lottery".

Debra is a versatile professional, excelling in multiple disciplines. She's an accomplished remote viewer, clairvoyant, medium, energy healer, and dedicated parapsychological researcher. She's a futurist in every sense of the word. As the President of the International Remote Viewing Association, her leadership in the field is evident. Her diverse background also includes holding the positions of Federal Probation Officer and TV show host.

A strong advocate for unlocking innate intuitive reading potential, Debra believes that everyone possesses untapped abilities. She's committed to guiding individuals on a journey of self-discovery, helping them realize their never-imagined potential levels.

Explorations into Remote Viewing Microscopic Organisms


Clairvoyant Reading and Healing as a Therapeutic Practice Draft Book Chapter by Debra Lynne Katz